Wrong type of followers
In order for the market to know about the goods and services you are involved with, they have to follow your official business page. Members on Twitter can follow any person or organization that they are interested in. This implies that you can end up with very many followers who don't belong to your target market niche. In essence, they will follow you on the site but they will not be persuaded to buy the products you are selling in the market for one reason or the other.
Limited Interaction
If you want your Twitter page to contribute to the success of the business, it is important to look for time to interact with the followers. This is simply done by making sure your tweets are up to date. These should portray information that is relevant, interesting and will push people to a certain action that will be useful for the business. If you run a page that is neglected, your followers tend to think that you don't really care about them. This attitude can be transferred to the business where they will not be bothered to purchase anything from you simply because you do not have the time for them.
Bad Reputation
In case you have bad reputation about not keeping up to your business promises or a certain client has had nasty experience with your organization; Twitter can be used to spread this message really fast. All people need to do is re-tweet the sentiments of the disgruntled customer and your business is headed for the ruins. It is therefore important to make sure that you employ all damage control mechanics before everyone on the site shuns you. It also helps to try to offer the best services in the market so that people can praise you and introduce more customers to your shop rather than warn other clients about your organization.
As much as you rely on Twitter to increase sales for your business, it is important to also employ other strategies that will help you achieve your goals. This way, in case one of them does not work you can also use the other method with ease. Buy fast Twitter followers so you have actual followers to manage. This ensures that your business remains relevant and gives you the opportunity to maximize on profits and expand it in the proper way.
Lionel E. Anderson is a thought leader, a speaker and a blogger. He is good giving out advice to businesses who suffers shortcomings on their social media marketing campaigns.